Website Support & Protection

Do I really need support?

Yes… you do!

Think of your website a bit like your car. When it’s fresh out of the showroom, it’s perfect. However, as time goes on, it needs servicing and general upkeep to maintain its performance.

Applying this same theory to your website may sound unusual but it’s pretty accurate!



Website Support & Protection Feature Image

Tell me more…

We want to make sure you have the flexibility to choose the type of support that suits you and your website which is why we offer the following two options:

Option 1: Standard Monitoring

✅ Plugins Updated

It’s important to ensure any plugins used on your site are kept up to date. This will ensure functionality and security are improved.

🖥️ Core CMS Updated

As well as plugins, your Content Management System constantly needs monitored and updated. Occasionally, an auotmatic update can break your website – we’ll take care of that for you!

🌐 PHP Version Updated

Similar to plugins and CMS’, your server needs to be running at the most recent version. For older sites, a new PHP version may cause some functionality issues – we have you covered.

Option 2: Proactive Reporting

📊 Quarterly Website Reporting

Every 3 months, we’ll run a report to let you know how your site is performing and what changes we made to improve the overall performance.

🔒 Security Updates

The last thing we want is for your site to be hacked so we ensure your website security is one step ahead with constant monitoring and security patches installed.

🤩 UX Improvements

As your site ages and more content is added, the overall experience can be altered. Lucy will ensure your site is continuing to provide a great experience for its users.

🏞️ Text & Image Updates

Finding the time to add a new team member, a pre-written blog post or an exciting announcement can be difficult – lean on us for that!

➕ Everything in Standard!

As well as the above, you will also get monitoring on your website plugins, core CMS version and PHP version meaning you have nothing to worry about.

Ready to get started?

Fill in the form below and Steve will be in touch soon!

Support & Maintenance

Your Team

We have a fantastic collective of creatives, strategists, designers and developers that work together to ensure your website is running at optimum performance.

With the exception of an ongoing debate between coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers, our team is highly collaborative, unified in purpose and aligned in values.


Join Our Team

We’re always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our growing team.

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Let’s make something incredible.